
尿毒症患者并发肺部感染高危因素分析及预防研究 被引量:1

Study on Analysis of High Risks and Pievention in Patients with Vremic complicated with Pulmonary Infection
摘要 目的:探讨和分析尿毒症患者并发肺部感染的高危因素,以便采取积极预防措施,减少肺部感染的发生。方法:选取2010年3月至2015年3月于我院进行治疗的58尿毒症并发肺部感染的患者为研究对象,将其设为观察组,选取同期的60例尿毒症没有并发感染的患者为对照组,将两组患者的心理因素、住院天数、营养状况、肾功能、家庭社会支持、患者的自我卫生意识及习惯进行统计,并采用统计学软件进行数据处理和分析,总结尿毒症患者并发肺部感染的高危因素,探讨预防措施。结果:观察组患者住院天数为(54.2±10.3)d,明显长于对照组(30.8±5.6)d,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),观察组血清清蛋白(37.5±3.5)g/L、红蛋白(68.9±9.6)g/L和球蛋白(21.2±6.6)g/L,对照组血清清蛋白(28.0±4.2)g/L、红蛋白(50.8±10.7)g/L和球蛋白(27.9±8.5)g/L,观察组上述指标均低于对照组,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05),根据两组患者心理状况和肾功能比较结果可知,观察组的心理状况和肾功能评分均明显低于对照组,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05),观察组肌酐值为(489.78±85.41)μmo L/L,对照组为(205.96±98.74)μmo L/L,观察组明显高于对照组,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),观察组的患者表现为忧愁抑郁、焦虑不安和恐惧等患者的例数明显高于对照组,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05),并且对照组自我卫生意识及习惯好于观察组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:尿毒症并发肺部感染与多种因素密切相关,在治疗过程中应指导患者学会自我心理调节,正确认识疾病,合理膳食,加强营养,养成优良的卫生习惯,降低肺部感染率,改善患者的远期生活质量。 Objective: To investigate and analyze the risk factors in patients with uremic complicated with lung infection,in order to take active preventive measures to reduce the incidence of lung infection. Method:58 cases with uremic complicated with pulmonary infection from March 2010 to March 2015 in our hospital were selected as the objects in the observation group,60 cases with uremia and without lung infections in the same period as the objects in the control group. The data were collected about the psychological factors of two groups,the days of hospitalization,nutritional status,kidney function,family and social support,and the health self-consciousness and habits of patients. The statistical software for data processing and analysis adopted,the risk factors of patients with uremia complicated with lung infection were summarized,preventive measures were discussed. Results: The number of hospitalization in observation group was( 54. 2 ± 10. 3)days,significantly longer than( 30. 8 ± 5. 6) days in control group( P〈0. 05). The serum albumin( 37. 5± 3. 5) g / L,hemoglobin( 68. 9 ± 9. 6) g / L and globulin( 21. 2 ± 6. 6) g / L in observation group were than,serum albumin( 28. 0 ± 4. 2) g / L,hemoglobin( 50. 8 ± 10. 7) g / L and globulin( 27. 9 ±8. 5) g / L,in control group( P〈0. 05). Also,the results of two groups showed the psychological condition and renal function scores in observation group were significantly lower than those in control group( P〈0.05). The creatinine value was( 489. 78 ± 85. 41) μ mo L / L,much higher than( 205. 96 ± 98. 74) μmo L / L in control group( P〈0. 05). The patients in the observation group showed sadness,depression,anxiety and fear,and the number of cases were significantly higher than that in control group,( P〈0. 05),but the self-health awareness and habits in control group were betler than those in the observation group( P〈0. 05). The differences above were sfatistically significance. Conclusion: Uremic complicated with pulmonary infection are closely related with a variety of factors. Therefore during treatment,the patient should be instructed to learn self-psychological care,correct understanding of the disease,and a reasonable diet. They should paymore actention to nutrition,develop good health habits to reduce lung infection and improve the long-term quality of life.
出处 《河北医学》 CAS 2016年第3期394-397,共4页 Hebei Medicine
基金 陕西省教育厅产化项目 (编号:12JC16)
关键词 尿毒症 肺部感染 高危因素 Uremia Pulmonary infection High risks
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