At present, the national student loan defaults occasionally happen, that cause adverse impact on the major measures of the student financial aid. Therefore, the performance of contract is an important content of the loan. Based on the practice of 0 malicious loan defaults in recent 9 years, the author continuously demonstrates the cycle of practice-summary-practice and puts forward a set of effective loan work management mechanism. Specific contents as follows: 1 Pay special attention to the data verification and feedback before the loan and protect students' privacy and self-esteem. 2 Do a good job of the interpretation during the loan and the reimbursement pep rally after the loan to inspire the student to perform the contract payments consciousness. 3 Promote the mental health and growth of the loans students to improve the repayment ability of the contract. 4 Promote the employment of the loans students to promote reimbursement practices. Many links are closely linkaged to jointly promote the normal repayment behavior of loans students so as to form the benign atmosphere and circulation pattern of the reimbursement and guarantee 0 malicious defaults.
Value Engineering
student loan
performance of contract
reimbursement consciousness
reimbursement ability
reimbursement practices