
自认为的知晓程度:个人因素与议题认知之间的重要中介变量 被引量:3

Self-perceived knowledge:An effective mediator between personal factors and the issue cognition
摘要 在广州大学城随机抽取530个样本,以结构方程模型方法,考察2008年西藏议题中,网络新闻信任、人际交流、政治兴趣等个人因素对于议题认知的影响;尤其是,以自抽样方法检验其间的中介效应。结果发现,(对议题或事件的)"自认为的知晓程度"是个人因素与议题认知之间一个重要的有效中介变量;尤其是在人际交流、政治兴趣与议题认知之间,该变量的中介效应不仅具有统计上的显著性,而且可以认为也具有实际上的显著性。 Based on a 530 sample size survey in the Guangzhou High Education Mega Center on the 2008 Tibet Issue, the direct and indirect effects of personal factors, i.e. perceived online news believability, interpersonal communication, and political interest, on the issue cognition are tested using SEM approach. Mediation analyses based on bootstrapping method indicate that the "self- perceived knowledge" (of the issue/event) is an effective mediator between the personal factors and the issue cognition; Especially, between interpersonal communication, political interest and the issue cognition, the mediation effect of "self-perceived knowledge" is not only significant statistically, but also significant practically.
作者 徐晖明
出处 《国际新闻界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期112-130,共19页 Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication
关键词 自抽样方法 自认为的知晓程度 实际的知晓程度 中介效应 中介变量 Bootstrapping method, self-perceived knowledge, actual knowledge, mediation effect,mediation variable
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