
美国城市化进程中高校合作教育的问题与对策 被引量:1

Problems and Strategies of Cooperative Education in Colleges and Universities during the Process of American Urbanization
摘要 美国城市化进程中初创合作教育,面对合作教育理论研究薄弱、合作教育岗位欠缺、管理队伍体系不完善等突出问题,通过加强合作教育理论研究宣传,采取多样灵活的工作安置策略,提升合作教育工作岗位数量、突出教育性,增强项目协调员从业能力和校企领导的敬业精神等对策加以破解,为我国目前的产学研合作教育提供了借鉴。 During the process of American Urbanization,cooperative education was founded.Then many problems occurred such as theoretical weakness,insufficient jobs and imperfect administration.These were solved by strengthening theoretical research and promotion,adopting flexible and various placements,coordinator's practice ability and leaders' providing the cooperative education with more jobs and highlighting the education,enhancing the commitment to cooperative education,which have an important historical reference values to China.
作者 李文英 董英
出处 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期19-24,共6页 Journal of Hebei University(Philosophy and Social Science)
基金 中国职业教育学会校企合作委员会项目"美国高等院校校企合作教育发展研究"(12XQHZ003) "美国联邦合作教育的立法研究"(12XQHZ010)
关键词 美国 城市化 合作教育 高校 America urbanization cooperation education colleges and universities
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