
经济新常态下江苏体育用品制造业升级的挑战与机遇 被引量:8

The Opportunities and Challenges of Sports Goods Manufacturing Industry Updating Under Chinese New Economic Normal in Jiangsu
摘要 运用文献资料法、对比分析法、数理分析法等,从江苏体育用品制造业的现状出发,分析了在经济新常态的背景下,江苏体育用品制造业升级所面临的挑战与机遇。升级的挑战在于:消费需求与有效供给的矛盾,即高质量的消费需要与低质量体育用品供给之间的矛盾,这种矛盾的存在缩小了区域体育用品品牌的市场占有率,阻碍了企业的升级;其次,体育用品产业转移导致的技术溢出效应减少,国外企业的工业回流化政策的推行,致使体育用品企业的FDI在江苏投资量下滑,导致体育用品制造企业能分享到的技术溢出效应不断减少,从而使得体育用品制造企业失去在产业升级中所需的关键人才及技术支撑;最后,由于江苏出口的体育用品处在GVC链条的低位,大多数企业仅靠国外买家的代工及组装订单,产品以大规模、低成本、低价格取胜,难以进行自主品牌创新,形成GVC低端锁定形成的路径依赖。而机遇在于:体育用品制造产业转移的引发的倒逼效应,将淘汰部分产品附加值低、科技含量低、自主品牌缺失的企业,促使数量巨大的中小企业通过技术创新、生产效率的提升来提高自身的市场竞争力;并购重组的引发的规模经济效应,能够实现同类企业在资金、技术、人才等方面的共享,节约生产成本;宏观产业政策优势,即通过政策支持,实现企业在资金、技术、税收等方面的优惠,同时积极打造体育产业链条的产业集群效应,建立区域性的体育用品制造业品牌。通过这些分析,为江苏省体育用品制造业实现产业升级提供一定的参考。 Using the methods of documents and materials,comparative analysis and mathematical analysis method in this paper,and starting from the present situation of sports goods manufacturing industry in Jiangsu,then analysis the opportunities and challenges with Jiangsu sports goods manufacturing industry upgrade procedure under the background of the Chinese New economic Normal. The challenge is that: the contradiction between demand and effective supply,this contradiction always reflects the high quality of consumer demand the between the low quality sporting goods supply,what is narrowing the regional sports goods brand market share,hindering the upgrading of enterprises; Second,decrease of technology spillover effect industrial relocation,foreign enterprises industry backflow of the implementation of the policy,the sports goods enterprises of FDI in Jiangsu investment decline,leading to sports supplies manufacturing enterprises can share the technology spillover effect of decreasing,thus depriving sports supplies manufacturing enterprises in the industrial upgrading the key talent and technical support;Finally,due to the export of Jiangsu sports goods in GVC chain is low,most enterprises only rely on the contract with foreign buyers and assemble orders,low cost,low price to win,to independent brand innovation,form the GVC low-end locking form of path dependence. Upgrade opportunity are as follows: sports goods manufacturing industry transfer Forced effect triggered effect,what will eliminate some low value-added products,low content ofscience and technology,the lack of autonomous brand enterprise,and make a huge number of small and mediumsized enterprises through technical innovation to promote the efficiency of production to improve their market competitiveness; Merger and reorganization of the economies of scale could achieve the similar enterprises sharing of capital,technology,talent,saving production cost; Macro industrial policy advantage giving the enterprise in the aspects of capital,technology,taxation preferential,at the same time,trying to build up a sports industry chain of industry cluster effect,and establishing the regional brand of sports goods manufacturing. The analysis in this paper could provide a certain reference to Sports goods manufacturing industry upgrading in Jiangsu province.
出处 《南京体育学院学报(自然科学版)》 2016年第1期132-138,共7页 Joournal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education:Natural Science
关键词 经济新常态 江苏 体育用品制造业 产业升级 GVC the new economic normal Jiangsu sporting goods manufacturing industry industrial upgrading GVC
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