
21世纪的美国社会保障:趋势与借鉴 被引量:9

American Social Security in the 21st Century:trend and Reference
摘要 美国社会保障的未来趋势是:预期寿命延长、劳动力数量增长缓慢、退休人数增加、退休年龄不断提前,这些共同加剧了社会保障收支不平衡状况,企业成为社会保障的生力军,社会保障事业出现私有化和私营化苗头。其借鉴意义:重视预期寿命延长对社会保障的压力,及早为延长退休年龄做好准备工作,重新定位企业在社会保障制度中的地位,改善社会保障的管理工作。 The coming trends of the America social security in the 21th: The situation of t he unbalanced revenues and expenditures of social security is deteriorated by th e prolong of the expectation of life, the declined growth of labor forces, the growth of the retired, the continually early retirement. Enterprises have becoming a new force in social security. The trends of privatization and private management in the social security services. The experiences: Attaching importance to the pressure of the prolong of the expectation of life on the social security, as soon as possible arrange the work on the prolong of retirement age, re-fixed position of enterprises in social security, reforming social security management.
作者 王洪春
机构地区 河北大学人口所
出处 《人口学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第1期39-41,48,共4页 Population Journal
关键词 社会保障 退休年龄 美国 social security retire age U.S.A
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