ICE(integrated cold electrode)集成冷丝埋弧焊是在双丝埋弧焊的基础上增加了一根不导电的焊丝(冷丝),冷丝置于同一个导电嘴中的两根平行的导电焊丝(热丝)中间,利用导电焊丝在焊接过程中产生的电弧热量熔化冷丝,在无需额外增加焊接热输入的情况下达到显著提高焊接熔敷率的埋弧焊接方法。通过伊萨专利技术的控制软件在控制系统中设定冷丝送丝比率以达到与热丝送丝速度的有效匹配,保证焊接过程的稳定性。焊接过程的稳定还得益于伊萨ICE焊枪的设计,即使干伸长度和弧长发生变化也能保证冷丝的熔化点始终在电弧的包围中。ICE具有焊接熔敷率高、焊剂消耗量少、节能环保、焊道成型易控等特点。
ICE stands for integrated cold electrode,the cold electrode is electrically insulated and fed in between and parallel to the two hot wires in the same twin contact jaws.Take advantage of arc heat from hot wire to melt cold wire,to increase welding deposition rate significantly without extra heat input.The cold wire feed speed is software controlled by ESAB patent technology control system to ensure the most stable cold wire welding process,the ESAB ICE welding torch provides a very stable welding process,welding process is not sensitive for variations in stick out and arc length.ICE is characterized by high welding deposition rate,low flux consumption,energy saving and easily control weld size.
Electric Welding Machine