[Purposes]The aim of this paper is to study the characteristics of non-cited papers in university medical journals,and improve the efficiency of the manuscript selecting process. [Methods]Six university medical journals indexed in G uide to the Core Chinese Periodical are selected. The non-cited papers and the dow nloading frequency of each journal are searched in CNKI database. According to the dow nloading frequency,the article type,contents,the research frontier and foundation information areanalyzed in all non-cited papers of six journals. [Findings] Non-cited paper rates are different in six journals. The main type of non-cited papers is basic medical research,w hile case reports has a large proportion and the low est dow nloading frequency in all types of papers. M edical technique papers have an important role in non-cited papers,and the dow nloading frequency is higher than that of the other non-cited papers. There w as different in the dow nloading frequency of non-cited papers w ith different research frontiers. Papers w ith foundations can not be ignored in non-cited papers in each journal. [Conclusions] There are some characteristics and regularity in the non-cited papers in university medical journals. The editors of medical journals should pay attention to the non-cited papers in order to improve the journal influence.
Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals
Non-cited papers
University medical journals
Downloading frequency
Manuscript processing
Journal influence