

The Implication of Aristotle's Aesthetics of Tragedy for the Philosophy of Education
摘要 亚里士多德的《创作学》(或译为《诗学》),是西方美学理论的基础,全书讨论悲剧创作相关的形式与实质的条件,为悲剧与其他文类创作提供了理论的基础。亚里士多德与其师柏拉图贬抑诗人与艺术的立场相左,主张以一种客观超然的眼光来看待诗人与剧作家的角色,把文艺创作,尤其是古希腊流行的悲剧,尝试从新的角度来定义:悲剧是透过戏剧行动的模拟,表现戏剧行动者的崇高品格,以完整的布局,宏伟的体裁,让每个组成部分,分别运用令人玩味的语言,以表演而非叙述的方式,透过哀怜与恐惧的受难事件,完成情绪与情感的发散与净化。亚里士多德指出,悲剧最重要的功效是具有的疗愈与净化心灵的功能。悲剧反映的人性真实面,因悲剧行动事件所引发的哀怜与恐惧,彰显了真正英雄人物的高贵品格,让人的情感与灵魂获得共鸣,并使观众的心灵获得进一步的净化与提升。在这一点上,亚里士多德的悲剧美学能弥补其伦理学在道德品格教育上无法达成的目标。 Aristotle's Poetics set the foundation for western aesthetics theories.The book discusses the formats and conditions for writing tragedy,which provides theoretical foundation for literature writing including tragedy.Aristotle differs from his master Plato in dealing with arts and poets.The latter looked down upon arts and proposed to banish poets from the polis.Aristotle held that the role of poets should be viewed objectively.He tried to define literature writing especially tragedy,which is very popular in ancient creek,from a new perspective.He took a positive stance towards tragedy and said,"Tragedy,then,is an imitation of an action that is serious,complete,and of a certain magnitude;in language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament,the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play;in the form of action,not of narrative;with incidents arousing pity and fear,wherewith to accomplish its catharsis of such emotions."Aristotle pointed out that the most important effect of tragedy is to cure and purify audience's hearts.Tragedy reflects the true aspect of human nature.The pity and fear aroused by the actions in tragedy can show the noble characters of true hero,resonate with people's feelings and soul,and further release and improve audience's emotions.This makes it possible for Aristotle's Aesthetics of Tragedy Aristotle to complement other ethics theories and achieve goals that they cannot meet.
作者 黄藿
出处 《教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期3-12,共10页 Journal of Educational Studies
关键词 亚里士多德 创作学 悲剧美学 净化作用 模拟 Aristotle The Poetics Aesthetics of Tragedy catharsis mimesis
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  • 1亚里士多德.亚里士多德创作学译疏[M].王士仪,译注.台北:联经出版公司,2003.
  • 2Aristotle. Poetics[M]. translated by Malcolm Heath, London New York.. Penguin Books, 1996.
  • 3亚里士多德.诗学[M].刘效鹏,译注.台北:五南出版社,2012.
  • 4亚里士多德.诗学笺注[M].姚一苇,译注.台北:台湾中华书局,1984.
  • 5Aristotle. Rhetoric[M]. translated by W. Rhys Ro-berts, New York: Dover Publications Dover Thrift Eds edition, 2004.
  • 6王士仪.论亚里士多德创作学[M].台北:里仁书局,2000.
  • 7Aristotle, Politics, translated by Benjamin Jowett, tr- anslated by Samuel H. Butcher[EB/OL]. downloaded from the website: http:// classics, mit. edu / Aristotle / politics, html.








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