

Synthesis and Characterization of a Supramolecular Side-chain Electro-optic Polymer Based on Hydrogen Bonding
摘要 设计并制备了一种基于氢键的侧链型超分子聚乙烯基吡啶电光聚合物,非线性发色团与聚合物主链之间的氢键作用经红外光谱进行表征。采用氢键将发色团挂接到聚合物,可一定程度地抑制发色团分子的聚集,防止宏观相分离,实现发色团的高浓度掺杂。同时,利用超分子氢键作用挂接也可在一定程度上抑制发色团间的偶极-偶极相互作用力,测得此体系极化电光聚合物薄膜的最大电光系数为17.6pm/V。 Supramolecular side-chain electro-optic(EO) polyvinyl pyridine based on hydrogen bond were designed and prepared, and the hydrogen-bond between nonlinear optical(NLO) chromophore and polymer backbone was characterized by IR spectra. The studies indicated that the noncovalent interaction can suppress the dye aggregation, avoiding the macroscopic phase separation and allowing high doping concentration. Moreover, such a strategy can suppress the dipolar-dipolar interaction, and the poled EO films revealed the maximum EO coefficient value (r33) of 17.6 pm/V.
出处 《影像科学与光化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期166-171,共6页 Imaging Science and Photochemistry
基金 国家自然科学基金(21504099 21473227) 四川省教育厅重点项目(15ZA0332)资助
关键词 有机电光材料 氢键 超分子侧链聚合物 电光系数 organicelectro-optic materials hydrogen-bond supramolecular side-chain polymer electro-optic coefficient
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