
小额诉讼与福利制度 被引量:24

Small Claims Litigation and Welfare System
摘要 小额诉讼制度作为改善社会成员生活状况的举措,发展于福利国家接近正义大背景之中,制度目的与诉讼规则都显现出福利化指向,其不但具有提高诉讼效率及合理配置司法资源的作用,还承载了社会政策功能。通过解决日常生活纠纷,小额诉讼程序能够提高公民生活品质,因而是社会大众需要、应得且能够平等使用的诉讼制度。基于社会正义的考量,宜对企业利用小额诉讼程序给予必要限制,建立民事与商事小额诉讼程序分置的制度。基于福利增进目标,我国宜设立以给付司法福利为任务的小额法院(法庭),由法官履行诉讼监护职能,体现社会政策照顾,通过诉讼费用的经济杠杆作用促进小额诉讼程序的推广适用,在程序上则体现大众化、简易化、快捷化特点。 As a measure to improve the living conditions of members of society, the Small Claims Procedure (SCP) developed in the background of access tO justice in the welfare states, both the procedural purpose and rules aim to the welfare, therefore SCP not only has promoting litigation efficiency function, but also carries the implementation of social policy function, as a procedure system oriented community service and resolving disputes in daily life, SCP can improve the citizens living quality. As a form of litigation welfare resource allocation, many countries has restricted the enterprise the eligibility of plaintiff in the SCP, China should also distinguish between civil and commercial SCP. With the parties as the center of procedure, the court bear the guardian role in providing social policy care for ordinary citi zens. To enhance the welfare in SCP, China should establish small courts as a judicial institute to pay the judicial welfare tasks, play its social policy function by guardian ad litem judges; promoting the application of Small Claims procedures through the adjustment of litigation costs; and achieve its popularity mi crofinance programs, simplified, fast--oriented goals.
作者 王福华
出处 《中外法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期116-138,共23页 Peking University Law Journal
关键词 小额诉讼 小额法院 诉讼福利 社会政策 一审终审 Small Claims Procedure Small ClaimsCourt Litigation welfare Social Policy the Final First Instance.
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