
劳动力价值实现视角的农民工市民化研究 被引量:2

Research on the Urbanization of Migrant Workers from a Perspective of Labor Value Realization
摘要 党的十八大提出要有序推进农业转移人口市民化。农民工是农业转移人口的主体,因此,运用马克思主义经济理论、从劳动力价值实现的视角研究农民工市民化问题具有重要的现实意义。文章首先进行了劳动力价值实现的马克思主义经济学分析,接着从劳动力价值实现的视角对改革开放以来我国农民工市民化实践进行了梳理,最后提出了劳动力价值实现视角下农民工市民化的政策建议。具体包括:转变经济发展方式,打牢劳动力价值实现的基础;健全就业体制机制,为劳动力价值实现提供保障;加强政府适当干预,确保劳动力价值实现的合理水平;加大技能培训力度,增大劳动力价值;完善社会保障制度,丰富劳动力价值的实现形式。 Migrant workers is the main body of agricultural population transfer,therefore,it has important practical significance to study the migrant workers transfer by using the Marxist economic theory and from the study of urbanization of rural migrant workers in the perspective of labor value realization problem. This article firstly has carried on the Labor value of Marxism economics analysis,and then generalizes the urbanization of migrant workers in China since reform and opening up practice from the perspective of labor value realization,finally puts forward the Labor value realization,urbanization of migrant workers under the perspective of policy recommendations. Which includes in details as follows: the transformation of the mode of economic development and stress the basis of labor value realization; Improve the system of employment mechanism,provide safeguard to realize the labor value; To strengthen the government appropriate intervention,to ensure reasonable level of labor value realization; Strengthening skill training,increase labor value; Perfect the social security system,the realization of abundant Labor value form.
作者 张永波
出处 《河南科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第1期11-14,共4页 Journal of Henan Institute of Science and Technology
基金 河南省科技厅软科学项目"促进河南市民化人口就业的体制机制研究"(142400410859)
关键词 马克思 劳动力价值 实现 农民工市民化 Marx labor value implementation urbanization of rural migrant workers
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