每一个民族在其历史发展过程中 ,由社会内容的扩展 ,必然在空间上演化为区域性特点。元明时期 ,宁夏社会经历了长期的演变 ,至清代 ,回族在这一地区有了长足的发展 ,产生了新的社会结构以及由此为基础的民族运动。这极大地改变了宁夏的地区特点 ,即由边塞区发展为回族聚居区。由此 ,宁夏在全国区域格局中的回族地位发生了深刻变化 ,这正是她成立回族自治区域的历史基础。本文以民族史和区域史交叉的视角 ,阐述了回族社会发展对宁夏区域特点变化的推动 ,分析社会客观变化和人们主观认识在区域特点形成中的作用 ,得出了富有创见的观点 。
All nationalities have inevitably been characterized by regional feature in space with the widening of social contents in their historical process. In the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, Ningxia experienced prolonged evolution. Up to the Qing Dynasty, the Hui National developed fully in this region and new social structure and ethnic movement came into being. Thus great changes took place in the regional feature of Ningxia and developed it from a frontier fortress into a Hui compact area. Ningxia improved her position in the whole regional structure of the state profoundly, which was the base for her being a Hui autonomous region later. This paper tells from a crossing view of National History and Regional History the contribution of Hui social development to the great change of Ningxia regional feature, analyzes the role social objective changes and people's subjective understanding played in the shaping of the regional characteristic and draws a thought-provoking conclusion, which help to study the History of the Hui Nationality from all perspective.
Ningxia, Hui Area, Ethnic Characteristics