法拉比在阿拉伯伊斯兰哲学史上占有显著地位 ,被称为“第二导师”(“哲学亚师”)。他在学习、继承希腊哲学家各种学术观点基础上 ,以折衷主义或调和的方式 ,对各种哲学问题提出了自己的见解和观点 ,创立了完整的哲学体系 ,为后来的阿拉伯伊斯兰哲学的进一步发展 。
Al-Farabi recommended important philosopher of ancient Greece and their main works, promoted the study and development of the Arabic philosophy,and established the foundation of Arabic philosophical system.Al-Farabi was praised 'second hierophant' of Aristotle as he annotated and compiled many importance works of Aristotle and has own peculiar opinion, at the same time he also come in for the influence of the philosophical think of new plato and school of Sufi, he vigorously want to reconcile contradiction between Aristotle and Plato in philosophical think, standed for Arabic philosophy, especially is eclecticism think of Islamic philosophy. Greatly influence of his theory of overflow and intellect and anima and music theoretics on the later Arabic philosophy and school of Sufi of Islam.