
集资诈骗罪死刑废止的宪法学反思 被引量:1

Constitutional Reflection on the Abolishment of the Death Penalty in Fund-raising Fraud
摘要 目前宪法学界对死刑存废的讨论,多从"死刑是否违反生命权或平等权保障"角度入手,鲜少将死刑制度或具体死刑罪名存废的合理性,置于宪法层面,进行整体考察。以《刑法修正案(九)》取消的集资诈骗罪死刑作为分析对象,从宪法精神、宪法原则及宪法规范三个层面对该罪死刑废止的合理性进行分析,进而归纳出判断死刑存废合理性的三个判断要素,即是否具有民意基础、是否侵犯生命权和是否违反平等保护原则。在此标准的考量下,我国应当选择"保留死刑、减少死刑罪名、限制死刑执行"的路径,加快对非暴力犯罪死刑的废止进程,同时限制死刑的实际执行数量,推动死刑改革的进程。 Nowadays, when considering the death penalty, most scholars discuss it under the aspect of "whether the death penalty will violate the right of life or the fight of equality", while few scholars analyze the rationality of the death penalty system or the specific death penalty crime under the constitutional aspect. The author takes the crime of fund-raising fraud, which had been abolished by The Amendment (IX) to the Crimi- nal Law, as an example, and analyzes it from three aspects, including the constitutional spirit, the constitution- al principle and the constitutional norm. Based on these, the author summarizes three constitutional factors of judging the rationality of abolishing the death penalty. The factors are whether it has the public opinion basis, whether it violates the right of life and whether it violates the right of equality. Under these judgment factors, China should choose the approach of reserving the death penalty, decreasing the crimes of death penalty and restricting the implement of death penalty. It means China should speed up the process of abolishing death penalty for non-violent crimes, limit the actual execution of the death penalty, and promote the process of death penalty reform.
作者 冯韩美皓
机构地区 北京大学法学院
出处 《天津法学》 2016年第1期37-45,共9页 Tianjin Legal Science
关键词 死刑 集资诈骗罪 非暴力犯罪 宪法判断标准 death penalty crime of fund-raising fraud non-violent crime standard of constitutional judg- ment
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