
旅游商业化背景下家的空间重构——以西双版纳傣族园傣家乐为例 被引量:33

Space Reconstruction of Home under the Background of Tourism Commercialization:A Case Study of Dai Family Hotel in Xishuangbanna
摘要 旅游地的特色民居被改建为家庭旅馆,家的属性和内涵发生改变,影响着旅游地的文化生态。然而,当前研究仅将家庭旅馆视为"商业机构",忽视了其具备的原本"家"的属性。家作为人文地理研究的新议题,受到了文化地理学的关注;但相比于国外丰富的家的地理学研究,国内的学术研究仍较为缺乏。以云南省西双版纳傣族园傣家乐为案例,通过观察法和访谈法,从"家"的视角出发解读作为"商业化的家"的傣家乐内部空间重构过程和动因,并关注其对空间内涵的影响。研究发现:家空间的重构是旅游活动主体之间互动协商的产物,游客对于家的消费和居民对于家的营造交织作用,共同推进了家空间的重构。傣族园傣家乐主人的家空间重构过程是从空间功能转化―空间扩增―空间异化―空间营销的渐变。游客是傣楼空间重构的主导力量,是家的空间消费主体,其凝视诉求和消费喜好直接推动了家的空间转变。傣家乐主人是家空间重构的建构主体,他们的文化背景和对家的舒适性诉求带来了家的空间属性多元化和复杂化的转变。家空间的变化不仅导致了傣家乐主人和游客在家空间的身份展演多元化和对空间认知多样化的变化,亦让家成为一个兼具有经济、文化消费、社会关系建立及多重身份展演的多元化、复杂化的社会空间。 The transformation in tourism destination has changed local people's lives dramatically, in which the local house is the key transformed feature. Local houses which used to be private space with the exclusiveness and privacy, are converted into open business space as family hotels to influence the space of home and the daily life of hosts. However, current literature only reviews family hotels as a "business organizations" while little analyses their original attribute as hosts' "home" from a cultural geography perspective. Employing the method of observation and interview method, this research aims to analyze how family hotels are still acting as hosts' "home" in Dai Nationality Garden in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. It studies the reconstruction process of interior space of "commercial home" by focusing on the changes of the structure, function, boundary of Dai people's building, and how these changes affect the connotation of the space. It is found that the reconstruction of home space is the product of interaction and negotiation among the activities of tourism. The tourists' consumption and the host' construction of home accelerate the reconstruction of the home space. The reconstruction process of interior space of Dai people's home is from space transformation to space expansion and then space segmentation and space making. Tourists play a dominant role in the reconstruction process of home, their gaze and demands directly contribute to the space reconstruction of home. The main body of space reconstruction of home is Dai people, their cultural background and the demands for the comfort of home lead to more multivariate and complex space of home. The change of interior space of home leads to the transfer of diversification of the identity performance and spatial cognition of Dai people, and makes home become a diversified and complicated social space which combines with economic, cultural consumption, social relations and multiple identities performance.
出处 《热带地理》 2016年第2期225-236,共12页 Tropical Geography
基金 国家自然科学基金(41261031 41301139) 广东省自然科学基金(S2013040012652)
关键词 旅游商业化 空间 重构 傣家乐 home tourism commercialization space reconstruction Dai family hotel
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