
国外未充分就业研究述评 被引量:6

A Foreign Literature Review of Underemployment
摘要 受金融危机和地区劳动力市场的长期影响,全球就业形势不容乐观,未充分就业现象愈发普遍,并严重影响着个人职业发展、组织人力资本效用最大化以及社会就业问题。本文从未充分就业的概念内涵、理论基础、测量、影响因素和作用结果五个方面,梳理并讨论了近年来国外有关研究,以期为我国的相关研究提供借鉴。 By the long-term impact of the financial crisis and regional labor markets,the global employment situation is not optimistic; underemployment is an widespread phenomenon and impacts on career development,maximization of human capital and social problem of employment. This paper identifies relevant theoretical perspectives and dimensions of underemployment,as well as reviewing the empirical research on the relationships between underemployment's antecedents and outcomes,in order to provide reference for the research in our country.
出处 《人口与经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期86-97,共12页 Population & Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目"知识员工人力资本贬值的组织性社会因素研究:人力资源管理与社会网络的多层级视角"(71372079) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金2014年度项目"组织高绩效工作系统对知识员工人力资本贬值的双重效应研究"(222201422003)
关键词 未充分就业 资质过高感知 教育过度 技能未充分利用 underemployment perceived overqualification over-education skill underutilization
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