
国外民族志路径下的数字媒介实践研究:情境、聚集与日常生活 被引量:2

Ethnographic Research on Digital Media Practices Abroad:Context,Aggregation and Everyday Life
摘要 国外民族志视角下的数字媒介研究成果丰硕,从媒介实践的角度探讨了其中的焦点议题与研究趋势。研究发现其内容领域可归纳为数字媒介实践的情境、数字媒介实践中的联结与聚集以及日常生活中的数字媒介实践三个方面。研究认为,国外民族志路径下的数字媒介实践研究所展示出的研究兴奋点,对于中国数字媒介研究具有借鉴意义。 Digital media research abroad under ethnographic approach is very rich. Focused issue and research trends are discussed from the practical perspective. The study finds the contents of the field can be summarized as the following three areas: digital media practice situation,linking and aggregation in digital media practice as well as digital media practice in everyday life. The study suggests that hot points shown in digital media research abroad under the ethnographic studies path can give a reference to the Chinese digital media research.
出处 《北京邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2016年第1期8-13,共6页 Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 教育部留学回国启动基金(2011-1568) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项项目(2012YB075)
关键词 民族志 数字媒介 媒介实践 ethnography digital media media practice
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