
薄板液压成形起皱预测及控制研究进展 被引量:21

Research Development on Wrinkling Prediction and Suppression for Sheet Hydroforming of Thin-walled Deep Drawing Parts
摘要 板材拉深成形广泛应用于航空航天、汽车制造、船舶工业等领域,是金属塑性加工领域的研究热点。随着工业生产向整体化、轻量化、高精度、低成本不断发展,以火箭燃料贮箱箱底为代表的大型曲面封头厚径比小于0.3%,起皱成为制约其拉深成形的主要缺陷之一,严重影响零件质量、模具使用寿命和工业生产的稳定性。综述板材拉深成形起皱理论预测、数值模拟和工艺试验的最新研究现状,重点介绍板材液压成形技术对于起皱控制的研究进展,表明通过合适的液压成形可以成形出无起皱缺陷、厚径比较小的零件。提出现有问题并对未来研究方向进行展望。 Deep drawn parts,which have been focused on by researchers for many decades,are widely used in the aerospace,automobile and ship industries.While with the new requirements of light weight,high accuracy,low cost and low energy,the ratio between thickness and diameter of some key components such as propellant storage tank of a launch vehicle is even lower than 0.3%,thus wrinkling cannot be neglected.This defect decreases the parts quality,reduces the molds life and affects the stability of industry production.The prediction method of the wrinkling,as well as the numerical simulation and experiments about this tricky problem are introduced.Furthermore,to solve the inner wrinkling,the sheet hydroforming technology development on the wrinkling control is shown.It can be concluded that appropriate sheet hydroforming process design can be used to control the wrinkling.The current problem in this area and the future study tendency are depicted.
出处 《机械工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期20-28,共9页 Journal of Mechanical Engineering
基金 教育部长江学者和科技创新团队发展计划(IRT1229) 国家自然科学基金(50905041 51375114)资助项目
关键词 薄板拉深 起皱 能量法则 板材液压成形 thin-walled deep drawing parts wrinkling energy method sheet hydroforming
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