目的观察益气温阳活血利水方协同作用对心衰患者利尿剂的治疗效果和安全性。方法 41例心力衰竭兼利尿剂抵抗的患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,治疗组21例,对照组20例。2组均采用西医常规治疗,治疗组在西医常规治疗基础上加用益气温阳活血利水中药,疗程2周。治疗前后分别评价中医证候、心功能分解、尿量、NT-pro BNP和左室射血分数的变化以及不良事件。结果与对照组相比,治疗组可有效改善患者中医证候疗效,降低NT-pro BNP水平,升高左室射血分数。结论在西药常规治疗基础上,运用中药进行干预,可有助于增加尿排出量,提高运动耐量,改善预后。
Objectives To investigate the effect and safety of Yiqi Wenyang Huoxue Lishui decoction on diuretic resistance in patients with heart failure. Methods 41 patients were randomly divided into treatment group and control group. All included subjects received Western standard treatment. And in addition, the treatment group received Yiqi Wenyang Huoxue Lishui herbs. The course of treatment was 2 weeks. Traditional Chinese medicine( TCM) syndrome, cardiac function, urine volume, NT-pro BNP and left ventricular ejection fraction( LVEF) were measured before and after treatment. Results Comparing with the control group, the treatment group could effectively improve TCM syndrome, decrease NT-pro BNP, and increase LVEF. Conclusion The combination therapy could increase urine volume, and improve exercise tolerance and the prognosis of heart failure with diuretic resistance.
Chinese Medicine Modern Distance Education of China
diuretic resistance
therapy of integrated medicine
Yiqi Wenyang Huoxue Lishui decoction