建立了碱熔样电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定锑矿中总锑的方法.探讨了熔样时间、熔样温度、溶解液酸度及组成对测定结果的影响.以过氧化钠作为熔剂,于650℃熔样15 min,加入1.0 g/L 酒石酸调节样品溶液的酸度以防止水解,用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定锑的含量,方法线性范围为0.00~50.0 mg/L,检出限为50.0μg/g,8 个样品独立测定结果的相对标准偏差均小于5%(n=11),标准样品测定结果与标准值基本吻合.该方法适用于锑矿中总锑的含量测定.
A method for the determination of antimony in antimony ore by ICP–OES combined with alkali fusion pretreatment was established. The test conditions were discussed, including fusion time, fusion temperature, pH and the consists of extraction solution. Na2O2 as the flux, the sample was melted 15 min at 650℃. After 1.0 g/L tartaric acid being added into the sample solution, antimony was determined by ICP–OES method. Thelinear rang was 0.00–50.0 mg/L, the detection limit was 50.0 μg/g, the relative standard deviations of 8 samples were all less than 5%(n=11). The detection results of the reference materials coincided the standard values. This method is suitable to determine antimony content of antimony ore.
Chemical Analysis And Meterage