
基于课堂读写任务的学术英语写作引用特征研究 被引量:5

Citation Features in Academic English Writing based on Classroom Read-to-write Tasks
摘要 本研究以115名英语专业本科生为受试,基于课堂读写任务探讨学术英语写作的引用特征。主要研究发现有:1)全体受试者融入式引用的使用频数略高于非融入式引用;动词支配融入式引用的使用频数高于作者名称融入式引用。2)规范互文的使用频数略高于不规范互文,全体受试使用最多的是直接引用策略,最少的是完全释义策略。3)引用功能实现较多的是参考例证和溯本求源,较少的是综合归纳和采纳引用。4)作者立场表达最多的是支持立场,最少的是疏离立场。5)引用形式、作者立场、互文策略及引用功能四个方面的引用特征之间存在显著相关关系。 Based on classroom read-to-write tasks, the present study investigates the citation features in academic English writing with 115 English majors as participants. It is found that:1)the frequency of integral citations is slightly higher than that of non-integral citations, and verb-controlling integrals higher than naming integrals; 2) the frequency of legal intertextual strategies is slightly higher than that of illegal intertextual strategies; the most frequently employed strategy is 'direct quotation'; the least frequently employed is 'absolute paraphrasing'; 3) the frequently implemented citation functions are 'exemplification'and'origin'; less implemented are'summarizing' and 'application'; 4) the most frequently expressed writer stance is 'endorse'; the least frequently expressed is 'distance'; 5) citation typology, writer stance, intertextual strategy and citation function are significantly interrelated to each other.
作者 马蓉 秦晓晴
出处 《外国语文研究》 2016年第2期84-92,共9页 Foreign Language and Literature Research
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"大学生英语学术文献阅读与引用能力的发展及影响因素研究"(13BYY086)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 课堂读写任务 学术写作 引用特征 classroom read-to-write task academic writing citation feature
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