
求是傲骨学者风范 博学笃行名师楷模——记恩师玉米育种家杜鸣銮教授

He Is Both a Lofty Scholar Seeking Truth and an Erudite Master Disseminating Knowledge——A Story about Maize Breeder Professor DU Ming-luan
摘要 杜鸣銮(1930~),陕西米脂人,玉米育种家,历任沈阳农业大学校务委员、学位委员和职称评定委员,兼任辽宁省农作物品种审定委员会委员,辽宁省老教授协会二、三、四届理事。在沈阳农业大学素有严师风骨、良师风范。在黑板前,他是孜孜不倦、辛勤耕耘的园丁,从不懈怠;在弟子面前,他是聪慧睿智、学识渊博的长者,传道、授业、解惑都力争做到最好。他乐于助人,品德高尚,实事求是,诚肯笃实,作为科学家,他立意创新,以丰富的理论和科技成果奉献学界和社会;作为社会活动家,他参政议政,无私奉献,甘做"三农"之牛。杜鸣銮教授辛勤耕耘,俭约自恃,吃苦耐劳,品行正直,充分彰显了中国知识分子淡泊明志、心忧天下的优良品格。 DU Ming-luan, well-known professor and excellent maize breeder and genetic scientist, served respectively as member of the Committee of Administrative Affairs of Shenyang Agricultural University and member of the Committee of Liaoning Crop Approval before retirement and was executive member of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th session of the Senior Professors' Association of Liaoning Province after retirement. Mr. DU earned people's respect for his dignity and strictness in his entire professional career. As a teacher, he was diligent and never spared no efforts in instructing students. As a senior professor, Mr. Du was admired for his enlightening youngsters by propagating doctrines, truths teaching knowledge and explainging puzzles. Du was also a man of noble, honest and practical characters and always ready to help other people. As a scientist, Mr.Du devoted all his energy to sci-tech innovation, contributing important theories and technologies to scientific community and society. As a social activist, Du participated actively in the administration and discussion of state affairs and made many suggestions to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. Professor Du, a simple, thrifty and diligent man, full of integrity and honesty, and living a simple life but concerned about the world, is the first model of Chinese intellectuals.
作者 王守才
出处 《沈阳农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第5期635-640,共6页 Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 玉米育种 种子生产 粮食问题 教书育人 实事求是 参政议政 maize breeding seed production problem of food teaching and education characters of practicality and reality administration and discussion of state affairs
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