

Research on Parts Image Tracking Based on Mathematical Morphology
摘要 提出基于数学形态学的零件图像序列跟踪的方法。对零件图像序列采取二值处理并进行数学形态学的腐蚀、膨胀和区域填充处理。腐蚀处理使得图像中的目标缩小,用于消除背景噪声;膨胀处理使得腐蚀处理的图像中目标主体恢复原形;区域填充和与处理用于保持目标主体区域并突出图像的目标、消除背景噪声。提取零件图像序列目标的质心坐标,形成了运动轨迹,实现了零件图像序列的跟踪。 The sequence tracking method of parts images based on mathematical morphology is presented in this paper. The sequence of parts image is taken binary processing and processed by the erosion,dilation,region filling of mathematical morphology. The erosion shrinks image which is used for sorting out background noise and dilation expands image. The image segmentation and filling processing are performed so that the target region can be perfectly extracted. The centroid locus of moving part images is obtained,the moving part is formed and the tracking of parts image sequence is achieved.
作者 赵杰
出处 《扬州职业大学学报》 2015年第4期44-47,共4页 Journal of Yangzhou Polytechnic College
关键词 数学形态学 目标跟踪 腐蚀 膨胀 区域填充 mathematical morphology target tracking erosion dilation region filling
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