
高罗佩《琴道》与中国士文化 被引量:6

Robert van Gulik's The Lore on the Chinese Lute and Ancient Chinese Scholar Culture
摘要 高罗佩对汉学的兴趣源于其对中国士文化的痴迷,琴棋书画为士人雅事及技艺,高氏选择四艺之首的琴,习琴既而研琴,并最终完成系统阐述中国琴文化的集大成之作《琴道》。《琴道》一书立足于中国士文化,不仅纵向考察琴、士结盟的悠久历史,而且对士人投注于琴道中的宗教哲学观作横向比照,并以"他者"的视角审视琴雅的美学意象、琴道的文学生发及琴德的艺术彰显。作为第一部系统研究中国琴学的力作,其学术性及开拓性向为西方学界所公认。更重要的是,该书以文化史研究为基本框架,从文献入手,以士人与研究主体间的关系为考察重心的方法,不仅成为高氏一以贯之的研究模式,也是可供后代学者借镜的重要范本。高氏一生最大的期望便是成为一位中国士人,琴艺的切磋、琴学的研究成为其养成和平诚朴、淳厚端方的士人品格的重要环节。 Robert van Gulik's interests on Sinology derived from his infatuation with the ancient Chinese scholar culture. Ch'in( a seven-stringed Chinese lute),Go( weiqi),calligraphy and painting are four elegant skills of the ancient Chinese scholars. Gulik chose the first one Ch'in,learning to play and then studying it. He published his ground-breaking monograph The Lore of the Chinese Lute: An Essay in Ch'in Ideology in 1940,which was the first book that made a deep and systematic study on the ideology of Ch'in. He tried to base his discussion on the Chinese scholar culture,inspecting the alliance history of Ch'in and scholar,elaborating scholar's regional,philosophical,aesthetic and literary ideas on Ch'in. Moreover,Gulik was good at using the cultural history as a framework and making adequate use of the ancient Chinese documents. Besides,he focused on the relationship between scholars and Ch'in in order to make his viewpoint more convictive. His unique research method is worth learning by the subsequent scholars.The most important life goal of Gulik was to be a Chinese scholar. In the procedure of pursuing and fulfilling this dream,Ch'in played a key role in shaping his pure and honest,gentle and upright personalities,which were the typical characters of traditional Chinese scholar.
作者 施晔
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期106-116,共11页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金项目"荷兰汉学家高罗佩研究"(项目批准号:14FZW041) 上海师范大学比较文学与世界文学重点学科 上海高校高峰学科专项项目的阶段性成果
关键词 高罗佩 《琴道》 士文化 Robert van Gulik The Lore on the Chinese Lute scholar culture
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  • 1R.H. van Gulik, The Lore of the Chinese Lute: An Essay in Ch'in Ideology (Bangkok: Orchid Press, 2011 ) preface.
  • 2郭茂倩.《乐府诗集》卷五七,北京:中华书局,1979年,第821页.
  • 3R.H. van Gulik, The Lore of the Chinese Lute: An Essay in Ch'in Ideology (Bangkok: Orchid Press, 2011) 11 -16.
  • 4R.H. van Gulik, The Lore of the Chinese Lute: An Essay in Ch'in Ideology (Bangkok: Orchid Press, 2011 ) 8.
  • 5R.H. van Gulik, The Lore of the Chinese Lute: An Essay in Ch'in Ideology (Bangkok: Orchid Press, 2011) 54 -55.
  • 6桓谭.《新论·琴道》,蔡仲德注译:《中国音乐美学史资料注译》,北京:人民音乐出版社,2007年,第386页.
  • 7R.H. van Gulik, The Lore of the Chinese Lute: An Essay in Ch'in Ideology (Bangkok: Orchid Press, 2011 ) 42.
  • 8汪绂.《立雪斋琴谱》小引,转引自文化部文学艺术研究院音乐研究所:《中国古代乐论选辑》,北京:人民音乐出版社,1981年,第414页.
  • 9《诸子集成·淮南子》“泰族训”,第355页.
  • 10查阜西.《存见古琴曲谱辑览》,北京:人民音乐出版社,1958年,第499页.












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