
构建6MV-X射线的大鼠放射性食管炎模型 被引量:9

Establishment of radioactive esophagitis rats models by 6MV X-ray energy
摘要 目的建立6MV-X射线所致大鼠放射性食管炎动物模型。方法对各组Wistar大鼠以不同物理剂量6MV-X射线进行照射,于照射后7 d、14 d、21 d取全长食管进行病理学分析,选定最佳造模照射剂量,同时观察大鼠各时段饮食量及体质量变化情况。结果随着照射剂量的增加,各组大鼠放射性食管炎发生率呈上升趋势。40 Gy剂量照射组大鼠7 d时全部出现放射性食管炎病理改变,未见死亡,且该剂量组大鼠局部照射后7 d、14 d食管组织变化积分差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。照射后7 d,实验动物饮食量及体质量达到最低点。21 d食管黏膜损伤有所修复,炎症反应减弱。结论 Wistar大鼠经6MV-X射线40 Gy剂量局部照射后7 d,放射性食管炎动物模型建立成功。 Objective To establish radioactive esophagitis rats models by 6MV X-ray energy. Methods Different physical dose of 6MV X-rays was used to irradiate the Wistar rats. The entire esophageal tissues of rats were taken for pathology analysis after radiation for 7, 14, 21 days and the optimal dose for experimental model was selected. In addition, the food intake and weight changes of rats were observed in these stages. Results The incidence of radiation esophagitis was growing as the increase of dose. When radiation dose increased to 40 Gy, rats in radiation group had radioactive esophagitis, but no rats died. There were no significant differences in tubulointerstitial lesions and arteriole hypertrophy when rats radiated by 40 Gy after 7 or 14 days(P〉0.05). Seven days after irradiation, the daily diet and weight of rats dropped to the lowest level. On day 21, the injury of esophageal mucosa was repaired in some degree, and the inflammatory reaction was reduced. Conclusion Esophagitis animal model can be established after 7 days by using 6MV X-rays in 40 Gy.
出处 《解放军医学院学报》 CAS 2016年第2期167-170,共4页 Academic Journal of Chinese PLA Medical School
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(81373543) 北京市首都医学发展基金(SF-2009-III-45)~~
关键词 放射性食管炎 放射损伤 大鼠模型 radioactive esophagitis radiation injury rat models
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