
2011-2014年济南市呼吸道腺病毒基因分型及其流行特征 被引量:7

Epidemiological characteristics and genotypes of the respiratory adenovirus isolated in Jinan from 2011 to 2014
摘要 目的了解2011-2014年济南市呼吸道腺病毒(AdV)基因分型及其流行病学特征,为呼吸道AdV感染的防治提供理论依据。方法 2011-2014年在济南市中心医院采集856份呼吸道感染患者咽拭子标本,利用15种常见呼吸道病毒的核酸检测套装对标本进行检测。将检测出的AdV阳性标本感染Hep-2受体细胞进行病毒分离。以AdV六邻体基因作为目的基因,采用PCR方法对分离成功的AdV毒株进行基因扩增,纯化扩增产物后测序。在GenBank上与已知序列进行比对以确定其型别,并制作系统进化树。结果共34份标本确定为AdV核酸阳性,阳性率为3.97%。感染患者中以小于5岁的儿童居多,其中3岁幼儿发病率最高。每年秋冬春季发病较多。从34份核酸阳性样本中分离到AdV病毒18份,病毒分离率为52.9%。AdV分子分型结果为:AdV-7型14例,占43.8%;AdV-3型7例,占21.9%;AdV-55型1例,占3.1%。结论 2011-2014年济南市呼吸道AdV感染以3型和7型为主,AdV引起的呼吸道疾病主要发生在每年的秋冬春季,感染人群主要是5岁以下婴幼儿。 Objectives To determine the genotypes of respiratory adenovirus(AdV)and its epidemiological characteristics from January 2011 to December 2014 in Jinan in order to provide theoretical evidence for the prevention and treatment of AdV infection. Methods In total,856 throat swab specimens were collected from patients with respiratory infections who were seen at Jinan Central Hospital from January 2011 to December 2014.Specimens were tested with kits to detect nucleic acids of 15 common respiratory viruses.Hep-2receptor cells were then infected with AdV-positive samples to isolate the virus.The hexon gene of AdV(the target gene)was amplified using PCR.The PCR products were purified and sequenced.The sequences were aligned with data from GenBank to determine genotypes and construct a phylogenetic tree. Results Thirty-four specimens were identified as AdV-positive,so specimens tested positive at a rate of 3.97%.Children under the age of 5were the most susceptible population,and the highest morbidity was among children age 3.An annual peak in AdV infection appeared from fall to spring.Viruses were isolated from 18 specimens among 34 specimens that were positive for nucleic acids,so viruses were isolated at a rate of 52.9%.The molecular typing of the adenovirus was as follows:AdV was type AdV-7in 14patients(43.8%),type AdV-3in 7patients(21.9%),and type AdV-55 in 1patient(3.1%). Conclusion Over the past 4years,most respiratory AdV infections in Jinan Province were AdV-3and AdV-7.Respiratory diseases caused by adenovirus mainly occurred from fall to spring,and the individuals affected were mainly young children under the age of 5.
出处 《中国病原生物学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期157-160,共4页 Journal of Pathogen Biology
基金 国家传染病监测科技重大专项课题(No.2013ZX10004-202) 山东省医药卫生科技发展计划项目(No.2014WS0380)
关键词 腺病毒 基因分型 流行趋势 济南市 Adenovirus genotype epidemiological trends City of Jinan
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