盐逆境是重要的非生物逆境之一,严重限制了作物生产的发展,研究盐分对玉米幼苗生长、产量组分的效应有助于改进滩涂玉米生产措施以及加深对玉米耐盐机制的理解。选用耐盐性较强的玉米杂交种‘苏玉10号’和‘苏玉30’,利用盐池设施测试不同盐分逆境下玉米产量及其相关性状的表现。随着盐分的增加,籽粒产量呈线性下降,在1.5 g/kg的盐分逆境下‘苏玉10号’和‘苏玉30’的籽粒产量为非逆境的54.2%和64.3%;在减产的因素中,穗粒数比百粒重对盐分逆境更为敏感。拔节期生物量(鲜、干重)与籽粒产量均表现极显著的线性正相关。相对鲜重、相对干重、相对含水量和相对籽粒产量等耐盐性指标中,以相对籽粒产量表征耐盐性较好,不同盐逆境间差异均达达显著水平。在1.5 g/kg土壤盐分下,玉米产量仅为非逆境的60%左右,应加强耐盐玉米尤其是增强苗期耐盐性的品种培育工作。
Salt stress, as one of the major abiotic stresses, severely limits crop productivity. Study on salinityeffects on maize seedling growth and yield components would improve management practices in fields andincrease the understanding of salt tolerance mechanism of maize.‘Suyu 10'and‘Suyu 30'with salt tolerancewere selected to evaluate the effects of different salinities on maize grain yield and traits related to yield. Theresults indicated that the grain yield decreased linearly with salinity increase, under the salinity of 1.5 g/kgsoil, the grain yield of‘Suyu 10'and‘Suyu 30'accounted for 54.2% and 64.3% of that without salt stress.Among yield components, kernel number per ear was more sensitive to salinity than 100- kernel weight.Biomass(fresh and dry weight) at jointing stage correlated positively with grain yield. Among salt toleranceindexes including relative fresh weight, relative dry weight, relative water content and relative grain yield,relative grain yield was better for characterizing salt resistance, differences among various salinity gradientsreached a significant level. It was concluded that under the salt stress of 1.5g/kg soil, the yield of maize wasonly about 60% of that without salt stress, and the breeding of salt tolerant maize, especially the salt toleranceat seedling stage, should be strengthened.
Journal of Agriculture
Salt Tolerance
Yield Trait