

The Influence of the Large-scale Environment on Galaxy Property
摘要 星系的恒星形成性质及其随环境变化的规律对理解星系的形成与演化有着重要作用.不同的研究团组根据Sloan巡天(SDSS)数据分析星系物理性质及星系所在的大尺度环境.分别利用了来自Tempel等的纤维结构(filament)编目和来自Wang等的大尺度结构分类的星系编目,并考虑了星系形态、高低局域密度环境、中心(卫星)星系影响,发现星系的性质和星系所在大尺度环境相关:不同大尺度环境对漩涡星系和卫星星系的SSFR(specific star formation rate)和SFR(star formation rate)都有显著影响,但对椭圆星系和中心星系的影响很小,且低局域密度区域的星系比在高局域密度区域中的星系对不同大尺度环境更敏感,即使在相同星系质量的情况下上述结论依然成立,此外来自Tempel等的编目的统计与来自Wang等的在SSFR分布上并不完全一致. The properties of star formation in galaxies and their dependence on environment play an important role in understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies. Using the galaxy sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS), different groups have studied the physical property and the large-scale environment of galaxies.Here we use the filament catalog from Tempel et al. and classified galaxies catalog from Wang et al., considering the affect of shape of galaxies, high and low local density environment, and central(satellite) galaxies. It is found that the properties of galaxies and the large-scale environment are related: the SSFR(specific star formation rate) and SFR(star formation rate) strongly depend on large-scale environment only for spiral galaxies and satellite galaxies, but this dependence is very weak for elliptical galaxies and the central galaxies, and the influence of large-scale environment on galaxies in low density region is more sensitive than that in high density region. The above conclusion remains valid even for the galaxies with the same mass. In addition, the SSFR distributions from Tempel et al.’s catalog and Wang et al.’s catalog are not entirely consistent.
出处 《天文学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期127-138,共12页 Acta Astronomica Sinica
基金 江苏省杰出青年基金项目(BK20140050) 973项目(2015CB857003 2013CB834900) 国家自然科学基金项目(11333008)资助
关键词 宇宙学 宇宙大尺度结构 星系 恒星形成率 cosmology large-scale structure of Universe galaxies star formation rate
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