
机床夹具参数化设计研究 被引量:1

Machine tool fixture parametric design
摘要 对基于CATIA的机床夹具参数化设计系统展开研究,意在简化机床夹具设计过程,提高机床夹具的设计效率。构建了机床夹具参数化设计系统的构架,设计系统与SQL数据库链接和数据管理的方式。此外研究了机床夹具的零部件库和机床夹具实例库的组成,对零件和部件的属性进行分析,建立各自的信息模型。使用CAA实现机床夹具的参数化建模。在对分离叉的加工工艺分析的基础上,模拟了分离叉的机床夹具的完整的设计过程来验证设计系统。 This paper is a study of Fixture parametric design system based on CATIA, intended to simplify the machine tool fixture design process, improve the efficiency of the machine tool fixture design. This paper builds the architecture of the machine tool fixture parametric design system, the way system links with SQL database and manages the data. Also paper researches the composition of machine tool fixture's component library and sample library, the properties of parts and components were analyzed to build their own information model. As used herein, CAA achieve parametric modeling machine tool fixture. Based on the release fork process analysis, simulated the complete design process of release fork's fixture to verify herein design system.
作者 花同全
出处 《机械》 2016年第3期58-62,80,共6页 Machinery
关键词 机床夹具 CATIA 参数化 machine tool fixture CATIA parametric
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