
区域宗教史视域下桂东南佛道关系史述考 被引量:1

A Survey on the Relationship History between Buddhism and Taoism in Southeast Guangxi
摘要 桂东南是我国南方宗教史上之明珠,佛道关系历史悠久。两汉时期,佛教从海路经桂东南地区渗入北方,牟子在此著述我国历史上第一本佛学著作,同时,北方大量高道涌入此地,他们之间的斗争与融合使两汉之际的桂东南佛道关系充满了勃勃生机。魏晋南北朝时期,佛儒靠拢,康僧会和道教葛洪及其爱徒在此地力挺佛道合流,开宗明义,并开创佛教寺院和道教宫观共处一山之历史,壮族儒释道巫合流之现实表现十分明显。唐宋时期,桂东南地区成为北方民众躲避战祸、政府官员贬职流放之处,或是官员流放海南和广东西部的必经之地,因此,桂东南地区的佛道关系异彩纷呈,出现大批力主佛道合流的官员、僧道和百姓。元明清时期,桂东南地区佛道关系民间化趋势日趋明显,僧道和百姓自己筹建寺院宫观,节日亦佛亦道十分明显。 Southeast Guangxi plays an important part in the religious history in South China. The relationship between Buddhism and Taoism there has a long history. In the Han Dynasty, it was via Southeast Guangxi that Buddhism penetrated the north of China, and the first book there. At the same time, a lot of senior Taoists flooded in, the on Buddhism in the history of China was written struggle and fusion between Taoism and Buddhism made the relationship between them full of vitality. In the Wei Jin, the Northern and the Southern dynasties, Confucianism and Buddhism closed up, Kang Senghui and Ge Hong, together with their followers, advocated the combining of Buddhism and Taoism by making Buddhist temples and Taoist monasteries coexist in the same mountain. The collaboration of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and Witch was very obvious then. In the Tang and Song dynasties, the north Southeast Guangxi became the place for the north region people to avoid war, and for the government to exile their demoted officials. The relationship between Buddhism and Taoism became dynamic, and a large number of officials, monks and people strongly advocated the collaboration of Buddhism and Taoism. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the tendency for the civilization of the relationship of Buddhism and Taoism became increasingly obvious, many temples and monasteries were set up by Buddhists, Taoists and common people; festivals were celebrated in both Buddhism way and Taoism way.
作者 袁名泽
出处 《玉林师范学院学报》 2016年第1期8-13,47,共7页 Journal of Yulin Normal University
基金 广西人文社会科学发展研究中心开放基金项目"桂东南道教文化史"(项目号为:KF2012009)的系列成果之一 国家哲学社会科学基金项目"传统文化视角下西江流域神谱研究"(项目号为:11XSH001)的阶段性成果之一
关键词 桂东南 佛道关系史 述考 Southeast Guangxi relationship history between Buddhism and Taoism survey
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