目的:观察健脾消食法对非酒精性脂肪性肝病患者谷丙转氨酶(alanine aminotransferase,ALT)、谷草转氨酶(aspartate transaminase,AST)及谷氨酰转肽酶(gamma-glutamyl transpetidase,GGT)和血脂的影响。方法:将110例患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组55例。治疗组采用健脾消食汤治疗,水煎分两次服,每次1剂。对照组给予复方蛋氨酸胆碱片,每次3片,每日3次,2个月为1个疗程。观察两组患者治疗2个月后肝功ALT、AST、GGT以及血脂指标。结果:对照组肝功能AST、ALT及GGT指标治疗4周内下降趋势明显优于治疗组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);对照组治疗4周后肝功AST、ALT及GGT指标逐渐升高,而治疗组治疗期间肝功AST、ALT及GGT指标逐步稳定下降,未出现升高状态,两组患者在治疗8周的变化比较,治疗组肝功AST、ALT及GGT改善明显优于对照组,差异有显著统计学意义(P<0.01);治疗组治疗后改善血脂指标效果优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:健脾消食法能改善非酒精性脂肪性肝炎患者肝功能(AST、ALT、GGT)和血脂指标。
Objective: To observe the influence of Wei Xiao Shi treatment on liver function in alanine aminotransferase( ALT),aspartate transaminase( AST),gamma-glutamyl transpetidase( GGT) and serum lipids of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis patients.Methods: 110 cases were randomly divided into treatment group and control group,with 55 cases in each group. The treatment group received Jianpixiaoshi decoction treatment,twice a day. The control group was given compound methionine choline tablets in treatment,3 times a day and 3 pieces each time. Two months counts for a course treatment. ALT,AST,GGT and serum lipids of all patients were observed 2 months later. Results: the liver function in AST,ALT and GGT index of patients in control group decreased significantly in the first 4 weeks,which was better than those of the treatment group,with the difference being statistically significant( P 〈 0. 05). The liver function in AST,ALT and GGT index of patients in the control group four weeks later increased gradually,while those of the treatment group declined steadily. 8 weeks later,the liver function in AST,ALT and GGT of patients in the treatment group improved significantly,which was superior to those of the control group,with the difference being statistical significant( P 〈 0. 01). After treatment,improve blood lipid( TC,TG,HDL,LDL) index of the treatment group was better than those of the control group,with the difference being statistically significant( P 〈 0. 05). Conclusion: The Jian Pi Xiao Shi treatment of TCM can improve liver function( AST,ALT,GGT) and blood lipid( TC,TG,HDL,LDL) indicators of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis patients effectively.
Acta Chinese Medicine
nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
Jian Pi Xiao Shi treatment
alanine aminotransferase(ALT)
aspartate transaminase(AST)
gamma-glutamyl transpetidase(GGT)
serum lipids