
“一带一路”视角下中阿旅游合作研究 被引量:8

Research on Tourism Cooperation between China and Arab Countries from the Perspective of “the Belt and Road”
摘要 中阿旅游合作是新时期中国"一带一路"建设的重要内容。中阿旅游合作的动力源于阿拉伯国家旅游业发展的内在需求,以及中国深化中阿经贸合作和丝绸之路经济带建设的直接需要。目前,中阿旅游合作正处在起步阶段,部分阿拉伯国家政局不稳、双边旅游合作机制不完善、中国伊斯兰旅游相关产业的基础薄弱是制约中阿旅游合作的三大因素。未来中阿双方应加强在旅游客源市场、伊斯兰旅游业、旅游信息技术、人才培养和联合研究四个领域的双边合作。 The cooperation between China and Arab countries in tourism industry is necessary for China's construction of Silk Road Economic Zone. The driving force of Sino-Arab tourism cooperation comes from the internal needs of Arab countries in developing its tourism industry and China's direct demands for deepening the economic and trade cooperation with Arab countries and the construction of Silk Road Economic Zone. At present,the tourism cooperation between China and Arab countries is still in the launching period; political instability in the Middle East,inadequate cooperation mechanism between the two sides and the weak foundation of Islamic tourism industry in China are three main factors that restrict the development of Sino-Arab cooperation in tourism industry. In the future,China and Arab countries should strengthen bilateral cooperation in areas including tourism market,Islamic tourism related industry,tourism information technology and personnel training and joint research.
作者 曹笑笑
出处 《阿拉伯世界研究》 北大核心 2016年第2期44-57,119,共14页 Arab World Studies
关键词 中国 阿拉伯国家 旅游合作 “一带一路” China Arab Countries Tourism Cooperation 'The Belt and Road' Initiative
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