
把握工会群众性 做好党的职工群众工作 被引量:5

Grasping the Mass Characteristic of the Labor Unions and Facilitating the Working Mass Management of the Party
摘要 阶级性与群众性是工会的根本属性。现阶段我国工会的群众性主要表现在四个方面:一是要最大限度地吸收职工群众自愿加入工会;二是要以切实维护职工群众合法权益为基本职责和根本宗旨;三是要以牢固的群众工作理念为指导;四是要在工作中突出职工群众的主体地位。新时期加强工会群众性研究,既是夯实党的群众基础的需要,也是发挥工人阶级主力军作用的需要,还是维护工人阶级团结统一的需要。当前群团组织中存在的"机关化、行政化、贵族化、娱乐化"等脱离群众的问题,工会组织也不同程度的存在,主要变现为:工会组织覆盖面有待进一步扩大;工会组织和干部服务职工的意识和能力有待进一步提高;工会组织的代表性不强,吸纳不同层次、不同领域的职工不够;工作中职工主体地位不够突出,赋予职工的知情权、参与权、监督权落实不到位。为了保持和增强工会组织的群众性,进一步加强和改进新形势下的工会工作,一是凝聚职工群众,加强阵地建设,大力健全工会基层组织;二是密切联系群众,真正转变作风,充分发挥好工会组织的桥梁和纽带作用;三是从群众需要出发,最广泛地代表职工群众意愿,不断提高工会组织为职工群众服务的水平;四是以群众为中心,突出群众主体地位,不断改进提高工会工作运行机制;五是把握"五型工会"目标,大力加强工会自身建设,着力打造职工群众信赖的"职工之家"。 Class characteristic and mass characteristic are the fundamental characteristics of labor unions. At the current stage, the mass characteristicof China’s labor unions manifests mainly in four aspects: one, maximizing labor unions’intake of the voluntary working mass; two, regardingprotection of the legal rights of the working mass as a basic responsibility and fundamental principle; three, following the working principles of consolidatingmanagement of the mass; four, accentuating the key role of the working mass in work. Emphasizing the study of labor unions’mass characterin the new age meets the need for consolidating the party’s management of the mass, as well as the need to amplify the leading role of the workingclass and the need for its unification. The problems that exist in current mass organizations such as bureaucratization, administrationalization, elitismand entertainment, also exist in labor union organizations to various degrees, which manifests in ways such as the labor union organizations’continuedneed for expansion; the need for more awareness to serve the working people on the part of labor union organizations and its leaders; the unrepresentativenessof labor union organizations and their inability to attract workers of various fields and levels; and failing to accentuate the leading role ofthe working people, as well as the poor implementation of the working people’s rights to know, to participate and to oversee.In order to maintain and improve the mass characteristic of labor union organizations as well as strengthen and improve the management of laborunions under the new circumstances, there are five missions that need to be carried out: firstly, unify the working mass, strengthen the bond and empowerthe organizations at the grass-roots level; secondly, keep in touch with the mass, make real changes to the working style and optimize the bridgingand bonding role of labor union organizations; thirdly, be mindful of the mass’need, be more representative of the voice coming from the workingmass and continue to improve labor union organizations’capabilities to serve the working mass; fourthly, put the mass at the center, accentuatetheir key role and constantly improve labor unions’working mechanism; fifthly, be mindful of the goal of constructing the“five-style labor unions”and aim at building reliable homes to the working people.
机构地区 山东省总工会
出处 《山东工会论坛》 2016年第1期1-7,共7页 Shandong Trade Unions' Tribune
基金 2015年山东省总工会 山东工人运动研究会资助课题 获评山东省总工会 山东省工人运动研究会2015年度全省工会理论政策调研课题二等奖
关键词 中国工会 群众性 党的群众工作 工会的行政化、官僚化 中国梦 Chinese labor unions mass character the mass work of the party administrationalization and bureaucratization of labor unions theChinese dream
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