

Research on solar radio telescope control and collection system
摘要 天文学是一门观测的科学,而望远镜就是人们观测天体的工具。国内的太阳射电望远镜大多数采用的是伺服电机驱动,体积巨大,价格也不菲。所以,文中研制一种轻巧,性价比相对而言比较高的太阳射电望远镜。太阳射电望远镜运用的是一个改进的直流电机驱动小型抛物面天线转动,能实现对太阳的跟踪,监测并记录太阳辐射天线温度值的变化,监视太阳爆发并记录太阳射电爆发资料。 Astronomy is a science of observation,then the telescope is the tool of observing the astronomical. Most of the solar radio telescope is drived by servomotor,huge volume and high price. So,to develop a light weight,cost-effective radio telescope is very necessary for us. The device provides a variety of observation modes of the sun for the user,real-time monitoring changes of solar radionoise and recording datas. It monitors solar radio noise storms and records the information of solar radio noise storms.
出处 《信息技术》 2016年第3期111-115,120,共6页 Information Technology
关键词 射电望远镜 跟踪太阳 数据采集 solar radio telescope sun tracking data acquisition
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