
“一带一路”背景下河南高校外语教育新思考 被引量:20

Review on Foreign Language Education of Universities and Colleges in Henan Province under "the Belt and Road Initiative"
摘要 中国经济新常态下,"一带一路"战略既是机遇,又是挑战,不仅是对基础设施建设、物资、外交等的挑战,更是对人才尤其是外语人才的挑战。然而,河南省的外语人才培养模式显现出诸多弊端和不足,显然已无法满足社会经济发展的实际需求。基于国内形势与河南人才培养实际,以及"一带一路"倡议对外语人才的需求,对于复合型外语人才的培养,河南高校外语教育应从优化外语结构、改变教学方式、引进"一带一路"相关师资、加强校际校企合作等方面着手,力争培养出符合"一带一路"发展的合格人才。 Under the new normal economy of China, " the Belt and Road Initiative" brings challenges as well as opportunities. It is a challenge not only for the infrastructure construction,goods and materials,diplomacy,etc.,but also for talents,especially the foreign language talents. As one of the most important provinces in the Initiative,the cultivating mode of foreign language talents in Henan province shows much inadequacy and disadvantage,which apparently can not meet the actual needs of social and economic development. Under this circumstance,it is necessary to reconsider the development of college foreign language education based on the Initiative.According to the domestic situation and cultivating reality of talents in Henan,this paper has analyzed the requirements for foreign language talents conforming to the Initiative,put forward cultivating suggestions for the interdisciplinary foreign language talents,thus offering new thinking for foreign language education in Henan province,optimizing foreign structure,changing teaching styles,introducing relevant teachers,strengthening the cooperation between colleges and enterprises,and outputting qualified talents for the Initiative.
出处 《河南工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第1期93-96,共4页 Journal of Henan University of Engineering(Social Science Edition)
基金 2016年度河南省教育厅人文社会科学研究重点项目(2016-zd-073)
关键词 “一带一路” 河南省 高校外语教育 " the Belt and Road Initiative" Henan province foreign language education in universities and colleges
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