为了解内蒙古地区奶牛场牛副流感病毒3型(Bovine parainfluenza virus 3,BPIV3)的感染状况,采用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)对6个奶牛场进行血清学调查。结果表明,该地区奶牛场中普遍存在BPIV3的感染情况,6个奶牛场均为阳性,阳性率最高达100%(15/15),阳性率最低为90.90%(20/22),平均阳性率为95.20%(119/125)。
In order to investigate the epidemiology of bovine parainfluenza virus type 3(BPIV3) infections in dairy farms in Inner Mongolia, a serological survey was conducted by ELISA method targeting at BPIV3 antibody. The results showed that the samples collected from all of the six surveyed dairy farms were positive for the BPIV3 antibody. Among the six dairy farms, the highest positive rate was 100%(15/15), the lowest positive rate was 90.90%(20/22), and the average positive rate was 95.20%(119/125).
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science