
“《21世纪资本论》之谜”何以可能——形而上学方法论批判的视角 被引量:1

How The Mystery of Capital in the 21st Centuryto be Possible --A Critical Perspective of the Methodology of Metaphysics
摘要 皮凯蒂的《21世纪资本论》通过实证的历史数据得出r〉g的研究结论,这在客观上证明了马克思的利润率下降规律,但是主观上他却把蕴含着生产力发展的利润率理解为孤立的资本收益率、把运动的资本积累理解为静止的无限积累原则、把全球整体经济增长中的互动理解为片面的各国持有资本头寸相等。这导致他从主观上旗帜鲜明地否定了马克思的利润率下降规律,从而构成了“《21世纪资本论》之谜”。其实,皮凯蒂的客观研究结果与马克思的理论并不冲突,只是他的主观判断走向了反面。造成这一迷局的根本原因是他用形式逻辑理解他自己面对的现实和马克思的理论。他遵循形式逻辑得出的研究结果也是非常有意义的,但他用形而上学的概念对接马克思的辩证法的概念,必然是不对称的。 The research conclusion r〉g of Piketty's Capital in the 21st Century is obtained through the empirical data, which objectively provedMarx's law of falling rate of profit. But subjectively, he takes the profit margin of the development of the productive forces as the isolated capital re- turn rate, while understands the capital accumulation as the principle of Infi- nite accumulation stillness, he considers the global economic growth in the world as a whole as One-sided Countries hold equal capital positions. It makes him to take from the subjective negation of Marx's law of falling rate of profit so that forms "The Mystery of Capital in the 21st Century". In fact, Piketty's objective results does not conflict with Marx's theory, but his subjective judgment goes to the opposite. stand the reality and Marx's theory. His takes the concept of Marx's dialectics as must be asymmetric. Piketty uses formal logic to under- results are very meaningful, but he the concept of metaphysics, which
作者 宁殿霞
出处 《海派经济学》 CSSCI 2015年第4期93-102,共10页 Journal of Economics of Shanghai School
基金 上海财经大学研究生创新基金项目“生存世界金融化的哲学批判”(CXJJ-2015-409)的阶段性成果
关键词 《21世纪资本论》形而上学 资本收益率 利润率下降 Capital in the 21st Century Metaphysics Return on Cap-ital Falling Rate of Profit
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