

A Shadow Detection Algorithm for Single Outdoor Images
摘要 提出一种针对单幅室外场景图像的阴影检测算法。算法首先利用阴影的亮度和纹理特征,融合轮廓检测和区域分割两种方法分割图像;然后,通过训练SVM来检测单个区域信息和区域之间的匹配信息;最后,利用图割算法综合判断阴影区域。实验结果表明,该算法可以有效地分割单幅室外图像中的阴影区域。 Proposes a novel shadow detection approach for a single natural outdoor image. This algorithm firstly segments image by using the characteristic of shadow: brightness and texture. Then, the algorithm trains a SVM to detect single region information and region-pair information. At last, uses Graph Cut algorithm to classify shadow/non-shadow regions. Experiments show that this method significantly detects shadow regions in single outdoor images.
作者 陈卓
出处 《现代计算机》 2016年第5期60-64,共5页 Modern Computer
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.61103137) 国家863计划(No.2013AA013902) 国家自然科学重点项目和科技支撑计划(No.2012BAH62F02)
关键词 阴影检测 阴影分割 区域对 Shadow Detection Shadow Segmentation Region-Pair
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