
从管制走向治理:森林治理的兴起 被引量:7

From Government to Governance: The Rise of Forest Governance
摘要 完善国家林业治理体系需要适应从管制向治理转变的趋势。分别研究了以政府管制为主、以市场为基础的措施、以社区为基础的森林管理及混合治理在森林领域的作用机制和应用,分析了国际上非政府森林治理主体和形式兴起的驱动力和表现,以期推动我国林业治理体系的构建。政府自上而下的管制不断减少,以市场为基础的措施、社区为基础的森林管理、混合治理等非政府治理形式不断受到重视和广泛应用。完善林业治理体系需要减少政府管制,促进市场、社区、社会力量的成长,推动形成多样化的森林治理安排。 Improving national forestry governance system needs to adapt the shift from government to governance.This paper will explore mechanism and application of government, market-based mechanisms, community-based forest management, and hybrid governance in forest area, and drivers and performance of the rise of non-state forest governance in global forest. Our research indicates that the use of top-down government control is declining,while market-based mechanisms, community-based forest management, and hybrid governance are on the rise. It suggests that improving national forest governance system needs continue to reduce scope of government regulation and enhance importance of non-state governance so as to build a diversified and polyphyletic national forestry governance system.
出处 《林业经济》 北大核心 2016年第3期19-24,共6页 Forestry Economics
基金 中央在京高校重大成果转化项目"京津冀一体化发展研究" 国家林业局项目"林业生态资源治理体系宏观政策改革研究"
关键词 国家林业治理体系 森林治理 治理形式 national forestry governance system forest governance governance form
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