
方方合用辨治强直性脊柱炎经验 被引量:2

The Experience of Ankylosing Spondylitis Treated with United Use of Prescriptions
摘要 中医方方合用分型辨治强直性脊柱炎疗效显著,寒凝瘀阻证以桂枝附子汤与生化汤合方,痰瘀寒湿证以二陈汤、活络效灵丹与平胃散合方,气虚痰瘀证以香砂六君子汤与蛭虻归草汤合方,阴虚瘀血证以六味地黄丸、二至丸与蛭虻归草汤合方,阴虚痰瘀证以大补阴丸、贝母瓜蒌散与失笑散合方,阳虚瘀热证以桂枝人参汤、乌头汤与桃核承气汤合方,阳虚湿热证以右归饮与四妙丸合方,血虚寒凝脉络证以当归四逆汤、四物汤与通脉四逆汤合方。 United use of prescriptions in treating ankylosing spondylitis( AS) based on type differentiation has remarkable clinical curative effect. For syndrome of cold obstruction causing congestion,Decoction Ramuli Cinnamomi and Paeoniae Decoction and Decoction for Puerperal Blood Stasis can be used together. For syndrome of phlegmatic stagnation causing cold and damp,Erchen Decoction,Huoluo Xiaoling Dan( HLXLD) and Powder for Regulating the Function of Stomach can be used together. For syndrome of qi deficiency causing phlegmatic stagnation,Xiangsha Liu Junzi Decoction( XSLJZD) and Zhimang Guicao Decoction( ZMGCD) can be used together. For syndrome of yin deficiency causing blood stasis,Rehmanniae Pill of Six Ingredients,Erzhi Pill( EZP),and ZMGCD can be used together. For syndrome of yin deficiency causing phlegmatic stagnation,Large Yin-Nourishing Pill,Beimu Gualou Powder( BMGLP) and Powder for Dissipating Blood Stasis can be used together. For syndrome of yang deficiency causing damp and hot,Ramuli Cinnamomi and Ginseng Decoction,Aconiti Decoction and Hetao Chengqi Decoction( HTCQD) can be used together. For syndrome of yang deficiency causing damp and hot,Yougui Decoction( YGD) and Pill of Four Miraculous Drugs can be used together. For syndrome of blood deficiency causing cold obstruction in meridians,Decoction of Angelicae Sinensis for Treating Yang Exhaustion,Decoction of Four Drugs,and Decoction for Dredging Meridians and Treating Yang Exhaustion can be used together.
作者 王付
机构地区 河南中医学院
出处 《河南中医》 2016年第2期249-251,共3页 Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 河南省重点科技攻关项目(编号:132102310099)
关键词 强直性脊柱炎 方方合用 寒凝瘀阻证 痰瘀寒湿证 气虚痰瘀证 阴虚瘀血证 阴虚痰瘀证 阳虚瘀热证 血虚寒凝脉络证 ankylosing spondylitis(AS) united use of prescriptions syndrome of cold obstruction causing congestion syndrome of phlegmatic stagnation causing cold and damp syndrome of qi deficiency causing phlegmatic stagnation syndrome of yin deficiency causing blood stasis syndrome of yin deficiency causing phlegmatic stagnation syndrome of yang deficiency causing damp and hot syndrome of blood deficiency causing cold obstruction in meridians
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