
基于特征点分类的模糊金库方案 被引量:2

Fuzzy Vault Scheme Based on Classification of Fingerprint Features Scheme
摘要 为解决传统指纹认证方案中指纹模板信息泄露以及指纹和密钥无法融合等问题,提出一种基于指纹特征点分类的模糊金库方案(CFM-FV).该方案中,使用指纹奇异点作为辅助数据对指纹图像进行预对齐,将指纹细节点特征应用于模糊金库方案进行密钥绑定.验证时,提取查询指纹奇异点作为辅助数据对指纹预对齐,然后提取指纹细节点特征信息进行多项式的重构.本方案将指纹特征点分类方法与模糊金库方案相结合,一定程度上解决了传统模糊金库方案中无法实现指纹盲对齐带来的影响问题. For the purpose of solving fingerprint template leakage problem and the inability of combining fingerprints and traditional keys in the traditional fingerprintidentification,fuzzy vault scheme based on classification of fingerprint features scheme(CFM-FV)is proposed in this paper.In our scheme,singularities will be as helper data for pre-align the fingerprint,while the minutia features will be used to encode the vault in this scheme.In the stage of verification,singularities will be extracted as helper data for fingerprint pre-aligned,then the extracted minutia features will be used to reconstruct the polynomial.In this scheme,the problem that the traditional scheme cannot align the fingerprint blind will be solved to some extent by combining classification method of fingerprint features with fuzzy vault scheme.
出处 《厦门大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期266-271,共6页 Journal of Xiamen University:Natural Science
关键词 指纹认证 模糊金库方案 指纹特征点 fingerprint authentication fuzzy vault scheme fingerprint features
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