随着我国核电站装机容量的增长,乏燃料中锕系核素和长寿命裂变核素的积累量也将快速增加。因此,分离和嬗变这些核素是不可避免的。ADS,即加速器驱动次临界系统,被业界认为是嬗变核废料的最强有力工具。在以蒙特卡罗均匀化物理分析方法的基础上,应用Mc Burn和MCNP5建立堆芯模型,通过大量的实验计算得出,镎、镅、锔3种主要锕系核素随燃耗的嬗变规律,为以后的研究提供参考。
Along with the increase of Chinese nuclear power plant installed capacity, the accumulation of actinide nuclides and long lived fission nuclides in the spent fuel will rapidly increase. Therefore, separation and evolution of these nuclides is inevitable. ADS, that is the accelerator driven critical system, has been the industry think is the most powerful tool of nuclear waste transmutation. Based on the Monte Carlo Equivalent homogenization methods, Mc Burn and MCNP5 is used to establish related mathematical model. And through a lot of experiments and calculation, It is obtained three main actinides(Np、Am、Cm) transmutation law as fuel burnup is changed. It can provide a base for further study.
Energy Research and Management