
近乡情怯——论建筑师在乡土营建中的角色 被引量:2

Returning To Hometowns With Emotional Holdbacks——The Role Of Architect In The Rural Construction
摘要 随着城市化进程的推进,建筑师在乡村建设中的实践机会逐年增多,建成品分布广泛,但也暴露诸如套用图纸、风格突兀、使用经不起检验等诸多问题。如何在乡土营建中扮演好自身的角色,对建筑师来说是个需要探讨的问题。本文结合全国范围内已有的乡土建设现象与案例分析,认为建筑师的角色至少有3种递进的境界,境界1标准图集式的完成任务,境界2着眼于提升用材工艺,境界3基于本地生活的设计,而真正的地方性的形成,要求建筑师在第3种境界中把握乡土营建实践,最终回归塑造乡土生活方式本身。 With the advance of urbanization,architects have more practices in the construction of vernacular architecture year by year,and built products are widely constructed.Meanwhile,there are many problems exposed,such as applying drawings mechanically,inharmonious style,cannot meet the using requirements,and so on.How to play their roles well in the construction of Vernacular Architecture,it is an issue which is needed to investigate deeply.Combined with existing local construction of Vernacular Architecture and case analysis in the country,there are three kinds of progressive realm of the role of the architect at least:the realm 1,to complete tasks in standard atlas-style; the realm 2,focusing on enhancing material and technology; the realm 3,the design of local lifestyle.The formation of real locality,requires the architect to grasp the practices of native construction in the realm 3,and to return to the way itself of shaping local lifestyle ultimately.
出处 《建筑与文化》 2016年第3期70-72,共3页 Architecture & Culture
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(项目编号BLX2014-47) "十二五"国家科技支撑计划(2014BAL04B06) "十二五"国家科技支撑计划(2015BAL02B02)
关键词 乡土建筑 建设模式 建筑师 生活方式 地方性 Vernacular Architecture Construction Pattern Architect Lifestyle Locality
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