目的:大鼠灌胃给予热痹清片和制马钱子粉后,计算马钱子碱和士的宁的药动学参数,比较二者在血浆中的药动学特征变化。方法:采用UPLC-MS/MS测定大鼠血浆中马钱子碱和士的宁的含量。Agela Venusil ASB C18色谱柱(2.1mm×50 mm,3μm),流动相乙腈-0.15%甲酸溶液(60∶40),柱温35℃,流速0.1 m L·min-1,进样量5μL。以盐酸克伦特罗为内标,采用ESI+模式,多反应离子监测(MRM),定量分析的离子分别为马钱子碱m/z 395.22~243.97,士的宁m/z 335.14~183.96,盐酸克伦特罗m/z 277.11~202.87。样品处理采用液液萃取法。利用DAS 2.1软件计算药动学参数。结果:热痹清片和制马钱子粉中马钱子碱的达峰时间(tmax)分别为(27±11),(40±12)min,士的宁依次为(30±9),(42±14)min,马钱子碱的药峰浓度(Cmax)分别为(5.6±1.2),(4.5±1.7)μg·L-1,士的宁依次为(27.3±10.8),(15.9±7.0)μg·L-1,马钱子碱的药时曲线下面积(AUC0-t)分别为(922±96),(710±126)μg·min·L-1,士的宁依次为(3 957±651),(2 031±256)μg·min·L-1,马钱子碱的清除率/生物利用的(CL/F)分别为(4 596±306),(87±34)L·min-1·kg-1,士的宁依次为(880±84),(49±10)L·min-1·kg-1。结论:马钱子碱和士的宁在大鼠体内药动学行为均符合二房室模型。与制马钱子粉比较,热痹清片能显著提高生物利用度,使其有效成分吸收、消除加快。
Objective: To calculate pharmacokinetic parameters of brucine and strychnine in rats after oral administration of Rebiqing tablets and Strychni Semen Pulveratum, and compare their pharmacokinetic characteristics in plasma. Method: UPLC-MS / MS was employed to determine contents of brucine and strychnine in rat plasma with Agela Venusil ASB C18column( 2. 1 mm × 50 mm,3 μm),taking acetonitrile-0. 15% formic acid( 60 ∶ 40) as mobile phase at 0. 1 m L·min- 1. Column temperature was 35 ℃. Internal standard was clenbuterol hydrochloride, UPLC-MS / MS was performed with electrospray ionization( ESI) and operated in positive mode in multiple reaction monitoring( MRM). Reaction selected ions were m / z 395. 22-243. 97 for brucine, m / z 335. 14-183. 96 for strychnine and m / z 277. 11-202. 87 for internal standard. Samples were extracted from rat plasma by liquid-liquid extraction. Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by DAS 2. 1software. Result: Main pharmacokinetic parameters of brucine in Rebiqing tablets and Strychni Semen Pulveratum were as follows: tmaxof( 27 ± 11),( 40 ± 12) min,Cmaxof( 5. 6 ± 1. 2),( 4. 5 ± 1. 7) μg·L- 1,AUC0-tof( 922 ± 96),( 710 ± 126) μg·min·L- 1,CL/F of( 4 596 ± 306),( 87 ± 34) L·min- 1·kg- 1; parameters of strychnine in them were( 30 ± 9),( 42 ± 14) min,( 27. 3 ± 10. 8),( 15. 9 ± 7. 0) μg·L- 1,( 3 957 ± 651),( 2 031 ± 256) μg·min·L- 1and( 880 ± 84),( 49 ± 10) L·min- 1·kg- 1, respectively. Conclusion:Pharmacokinetic behavior of brucine and strychnine are well fitted to two-compartment model in rats. Compared with Strychni Semen Pulveratum, Rebiqing tablets can significantly improve oral bioavailability, accelerate absorption and elimination rate of brucine and strychnine.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae