
美丽乡村生态景观建设研究 被引量:9

Study for Ecological Landscape Constructionof Beautiful Countryside
摘要 指出了乡村生态环境综合整治已成为当下建设美丽乡村可持续发展的重要任务。从生态景观的内涵、美丽乡村生态景观建设理论和实践出发,探究了农业景观生物多样性保护的生态景观途径、乡村水系生态景观、植被生态景观及道路生态景观的建设原则和模式,总结归纳了美丽乡村生态建设的模式和方法,以期为当下美丽乡村建设提供借鉴和指导。 Integrated rural ecological environment improvement construction has become an important currenttask ofconstructingthe sustainabledevelopmentof Beautiful Countryside.In this paper,proceeding with the connotation of ecological landscape,Beautiful Countryside ecological landscape construction theory and practice,we tryto explore ways of ecological landscape agricultural landscape biodiversity conservation,rural River ecological landscape,vegetation and ecological landscape ecological landscape road construction principles and patterns,It summarized the mode and method of the Beautiful Countryside ecological construction,in order to provide reference and guidance for the current construction of the Beautiful Countryside.
作者 刘甜田 叶喜
出处 《绿色科技》 2016年第5期139-141,共3页 Journal of Green Science and Technology
关键词 生态景观 生态环境建设 美丽乡村 ecological landscape ecological environment construction sustainable beautiful countryside
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