本试验对鸡腿葱新品种‘莱葱一号’的丰产性、耐寒性、抗病性、耐储性、田间生长发育规律等进行了研究。结果表明,‘莱葱一号’666.7m2平均产量达4 350.60 kg,比‘莱芜鸡腿葱’增产105.28%;其耐寒性、抗病性、耐储性均优于‘莱芜鸡腿葱’和‘章丘大葱’,适于平原和丘陵地区种植;株高105~110 cm,假茎长30~40 cm,假茎膨大系数1.20~1.40,单株鲜重0.25~0.30 kg。9月份是其产量形成关键期,10月份则是其典型形态特征和假茎产量形成关键期,进入10月,株高及单株重增幅缓慢,趋于稳定,而假茎重持续增高,10月中旬后假茎重占全株重比、假茎膨大系数显著增加,假茎发育成典型的鸡腿状。
The yield,cold resistance,disease resistance,storability and growth characteristics of new Jitui onion variety Laicong 1 were studied in this paper. The results showed that the yield of Laicong 1 was4 350. 60 kg per 666. 7m2,which increased by 105. 28% than Laiwu Jitui onion. It had stronger cold resistance,disease resistance and storability than those of Laiwu Jitui onion and Zhangqiu onion,which was suitable for planting in plain and hilly area. The plant was 105 ~ 110 cm in height,and the length of scallion stalk was30 ~ 40 cm with the expansion coefficient of 1. 20 ~ 1. 40. The single plant weight was 0. 25 ~ 0. 30 kg. September was the key period for yield formation,and October was the key period for the formation of typical external features and pseudostem yield. In October,the plant height and weight increased slowly and tended to be stable,while the pseudostem weight increased consistently. With the ratio of pseudostem weight to plant weight and the expansion coefficient increased obviously,the pseudostem became typical chicken-leg shape after the middle of October.
Shandong Agricultural Sciences
Jitui onion
Laicong 1
Variety characteristics