车间设施布局是制造系统设计的一个重要问题。日趋激烈的市场竞争及不断增长的个性化需求带来了一个小批量、多品种的动态多变的生产需求,车间设施布局是否适应动态变化的生产需求,成为企业能否提高竞争力的关键因素之一。文章采用系统布置设计SLP(Systematic Layout Planning)方法的相关理论与方法对一个新车间进行了生产线布局逐年设计和改善,最终得到一个优化的方案。
Workshop layout is an important problem in manufacturing system design.For the high tense of competition,personal requirement,the workshop layout could adapt to the dynamic change of production requirements,become one of the important factors that can increase competitiveness of the company.This paper was based on the SLP(Systematic Layout Planning)method and other related theories to improve the existing Layout in a new workshop and created an optimal layout scheme year by year.
Technological Development of Enterprise