

Research Progress of Theoretical Work about Alternative Splicing
摘要 pre-mRNA的可变剪接是调控真核生物基因表达以及蛋白质多样性的重要机制,使得可变剪接与组织分化或疾病发生有密切联系。从序列水平和表达水平对可变剪接的理论工作研究进展做了介绍,主要由相关数据库和常见的生物信息学方法两部分组成。 The alternative splicing of pre-mRNA plays an important role in regulation of eukaryotic gene expression and diversity of protein, which made a close relation between alternative splicing and tissue differentiation or occurrence of disease.Then, this paper gives the introduction about research progress of theoretical work of alternative splicing from sequence level and expression level, which mainly is divided into relative database and common Bioinformatics Method.
作者 梁栋
出处 《湖北农业科学》 2016年第4期820-824,共5页 Hubei Agricultural Sciences
关键词 可变剪接 理论预测 研究进展 数据库 生物信息学方法 alternative splicing theoretical prediction research progress database bioinformatics method
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