为探索一种高效安全的茶园害虫防治措施,本研究选用高效氯氟氰菊酯·噻虫嗪和丁醚脲组合施用于茶园,并与联苯菊酯和苦参碱的混用进行比较。第一次喷药后8 d进行第二次喷药,第一次施药后9、16、23 d调查害虫防治效果、茶叶生长状况,药后23 d测定茶叶农药残留量。结果表明,组合施药后16 d,对茶小绿叶蝉(Empoasca pirisuga Matumura)的防效为73.10%~88.62%,对茶尺蠖(Ectropis obliqua Prout)的防效达98.35%~99.25%;药后23 d茶叶样品中农药残留量符合食品安全国家标准。组合施用高效氯氟氰菊酯·噻虫嗪和丁醚脲可以作为茶园中一种有效的害虫防治方法。
In order to explore pests prevention measure with high efficacy and safely in tea field, thiamethoxam / lambda-cyhalothrin and diafenthiuron were combined applied,and bifenthrin and matrine were applied together to compared. The pesticides were been applied two times at 8 d intervals,the pest control effect and the growth of tea were been surveyed respectively after first applying pesticide for 9,16,23 d. The pesticide residues of tea samples were been measured 23 d after first applying pesticide. The results showed that the efficacy of treatment against the tea leafhopper was 73.10%~88.62% on 16 d after the first applying pesticides, while it was 98.35%~99.25% for the tea geometrid; The pesticide residues in tea samples had reached the national food safety standards after first applying pesticide for 23 d. In conclusion, the combined application of thiamethoxam / lambda-cyhalothrin with diafenthiuron was an effective pests prevention measure in tea field.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences